Life Along the Streetcar with Tom Heath from The Heath Team Nova Home Loans

From Isolation to Inspiration: Colton Annibal’s Musical Metamorphosis

In this episode of Life Along The Streetcar, we uncover the fascinating journey of Colton Annibal, a young musician whose talent blossomed during the most unexpected times. As a freshman in high school during the COVID-19 pandemic, Colton picked up a guitar to fill his days, not realizing this hobby would soon define his future. “I had never thought about it. I think I was just learning guitar and I would do it all day,” Colton shares. What started as a simple pastime quickly turned into a profound passion, propelling him onto the stages of Tucson.

Episode Highlights:

  • Colton Annibal’s musical beginnings during COVID-19
  • His influences and songwriting process
  • Details on his upcoming free concert at the Proper Shops patio
  • Future plans at the University of Arizona
  • Tucson’s vibrant music scene and local talent

Influences and Inspirations: Crafting a Unique Sound

Colton’s music is deeply personal and reflective of his experiences. Influenced by iconic bands like The Beatles and contemporary groups like Car Seat Headrest, Colton’s style is a unique blend of soulful melodies and introspective lyrics. “I just write about whatever’s going on in my life, and I think it’s very helpful, for me at least,” he explains. His ability to translate personal stories into relatable songs has resonated with many, making his music both heartfelt and compelling.

A Rising Star in Tucson’s Music Scene

Colton’s presence in Tucson’s music scene is growing rapidly. He frequently performs at local venues like Groundworks, where his barebones setup of just a guitar or two creates an intimate and powerful experience for the audience. Colton’s performances are a testament to his authenticity and dedication to his craft. “I love Groundworks. I’ve played there a couple of times. It’s great,” he says, emphasizing his connection to the local music community.

Upcoming Concert: A Night to Remember

Mark your calendars for June 1st, when Colton Annibal will perform a free concert at the Proper Shops patio in Downtown Tucson. This event is a celebration of his journey and a showcase of his original work. “I think I’ll do mainly a lot of songs from the first album and stuff that I’ve been working on from the new album,” Colton reveals. This is an opportunity to witness a talented young artist on the rise, performing in an intimate and welcoming setting.

The Future of Colton Annibal: From Local Stages to University Halls

As Colton prepares to attend the University of Arizona to study music composition, he reflects on how far he has come and what lies ahead. “I think it’s the most important thing to me right now,” he says about his music. This next chapter promises to be an exciting time for Colton as he hones his skills and explores new musical horizons.

A Glimpse into Tucson’s Rich Musical Tapestry

Tucson’s music scene is rich with talent and creativity, and Colton Annibal is a shining example of this vibrant community. During the episode, Colton mentions several local bands and artists he admires, including 44, Judy Gloom, and Screaming Yellow. His appreciation for local talent highlights the supportive and dynamic nature of Tucson’s artistic landscape. “There are some phenomenal bands here,” he notes, illustrating the collaborative spirit that defines the city’s music scene.

Join Us for Colton Annibal’s Concert at the Proper Shops

Don’t miss the chance to experience Colton Annibal live in concert on June 1st at 7 p.m. at the Proper Shops patio, located at 300 East Congress, Downtown Tucson. This free event is a perfect way to enjoy an evening of soulful music and support local talent.

For any questions about this episode or to nominate a prominent Tucsonan for a feature on Life Along The Streetcar, please contact Tom Heath today! We look forward to hearing your stories and celebrating the unique culture of Tucson together!

Transcript (Unedited)

Tom Heath
Good morning. It’s a beautiful Sunday in the Old Pueblo. And you’re listening to Katy. Tucson. Thank you for spending a part of your brunch hour with us on your downtown Tucson community. Sponsored, all volunteer powered rock and roll radio station. This week, we’re going to speak with a rising star from Tucson. Colton Annable. He’s a recent graduate from Tanker Verde, and he began a musical journey during Covid as a freshman, simply picking up the guitar and starting to write songs.

Tom Heath
And now he’s embarking on his next phase of his journey, attending University of Arizona, where he’ll be studying composition. Well, along the way, he’s decided to have a free concert in downtown. He’ll be on the proper shops patio June 1st. And we wanted to chat with him about what we can expect from that. And can you give us the inside story of his history and where he might be going?

Tom Heath
Today is May 26th, 2024. My name is Tom Heath and you’re listening to Life Along the Streetcar, where each and every Sunday we focus on social, cultural and economic impacts in Tucson’s urban core and shed light on hidden gems everyone should know about. From a mountain to the university of Arizona and all stops in between. You get the inside track right here on 99.1 FM streaming on Downtown, or also available on your iPhone or Android by using our very own Downtown Radio Tucson app.

Tom Heath
If you want to interact with us. We recommend you do that through Facebook and Instagram. That’s life along the streetcar both handles there, and our past episodes. Information on our book and our contact button is on our website. Lifelong And of course the podcast is out in the world. All kinds of different platforms. If you want to check those out, we would certainly appreciate that.

Tom Heath
Well, May is coming to a close. It is Memorial Day weekend and we hope you have a reflective and safe weekend. But that means summer is right around the corner. And, June, well, hit us on this weekend. Summer camps come to mind, and a lot of times people think they gotta head out of downtown. There’s not a lot of things going on.

Tom Heath
I just wanted to share with you that there were a couple I found on the on the, the, the internet web thing there about some, possible camps. There’s Ben’s Bells camp kind that’s happening in downtown where the you can work and practice and learn creative, intentional kindness and work on crafts and other activities. The Tucson Museum of Art has a, summer camp.

Tom Heath
The Children’s Museum has camps as well. And the Presidio Museum, has some really fun stuff. So all those things you can check out, we’ll link to them as well from our our Facebook page. But don’t forget to, explore your urban core. Even though it’s summer, there’s things to do for the entire family. And speaking of things to do in the summer, how about June 1st?

Tom Heath
How would you like to go to a free concert from an up and coming rising star? His name is Colton Annable, and he recently graduated. I mean, recently like a couple of days ago from Tango Verde, and he’s heading to the University of Arizona to study composition. His story is really, really fun. just it was I don’t want to say accidental, but it was it was very, unique in that he was able to to pick up a guitar and start writing songs because he was a freshman in high school during Covid and really needed a way to, find an outlet for some of his time and energy.

Tom Heath
And it turned to music. And it’s really, become a mainstay in his life. And I was kind of guiding him towards his future. We, in honor of his, concert coming up here next Saturday. We chatted with him just a couple of days ago by phone, and kind of got a little bit of the background of what drove him into this business where he sees himself going and, what we can expect from this free event on Saturday, June 1st and of you by phone with, Colton Annable.

Tom Heath
All right. So we’ve got, Colton Annable on the line with us today. this is an exciting time in your life. There’s a lot of things happening for you. Mr. Annable, I understand that you, recently have graduated from, Tank Verde. And, moving on in the world. Is that correct?

Colton Annibal
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I just graduated.

Tom Heath
how long ago?

Colton Annibal
two day, three days ago.

Tom Heath
Three days. All right. So, how are you finding your post-graduation life?

Colton Annibal
I’m still figuring it out. I mean, I’m reading Android right now, so.

Tom Heath
Well, that’s perfect.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
And do you have things, kind of lined up moving forward, or do you have college plans or what? It what is kind of what’s next in the, after summer?

Colton Annibal
Jeanette. And then doing, composition at UVA.

Tom Heath
Okay. And and forgive me, what is Janet’s.

Colton Annibal
Oh, just like general education.

Tom Heath
Oh, I thought it was some kind of fancy. I thought of something cool and fancy. Yeah. So you got to basic. All right. And then composition at the at the U of a, And so this kind of leads into the reason why we wanted to talk to you today, because you actually, you’re a musician and you have got an upcoming, concert on, the Proper shops patio in downtown.

Tom Heath
We, heard about this and said, you know what? We got a feature. We like to uncover hidden gems on the show, but I think we’ve instead, maybe we’re starting to uncover rising stars. Is that a possibility?

Colton Annibal
hopefully. So I’m working on it.

Tom Heath
Can you tell me a little about your music?

Colton Annibal
yeah. I, I started making music a few years ago. I’ve been doing it for a while. I mainly just, I don’t know, I use guitar, I use organs, whatever I can, and I just write about whatever’s going on in my life, and I think it’s very helpful, for me, at least.

Tom Heath
And so. So you do a lot of original, original work.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
Okay. Is there? yeah. I know every artist I talk to hates all I ask this question, but I have to ask it. Is there a style that you sort of fit into or.

Colton Annibal
I, I don’t know.

Tom Heath
I don’t know one that’s like, yeah, my style is me. That’s who I am. And and that’s what. That’s it.

Colton Annibal
Yeah. Pretty much. Yeah. I don’t know.

Tom Heath
So you said you got involved a couple of years ago. Was that like during high school or did you get involved before high school?

Colton Annibal
yeah, I started writing, like, during Covid. Okay. Yeah.

Tom Heath
So it seems like a appropriate thing to do during, during that time. So, at what point were you in your high school career during Covid then?

Colton Annibal
that would have been my freshman year.

Tom Heath
Okay. Tough, tough transition.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
the, yeah, not kind of what you’re expecting going into that year. Oh, what’s what’s, I mean, what were you just sitting down one day and said, hey, I’m going to start writing, or had you been thinking, I want to write for a while, and then just the Covid gave you the opportunity?

Colton Annibal
I had never thought about it. I think I was just learning guitar and I would, do it all day and, you know, I’d be kind of ironed out with the guitar and I mess around with it and I figure out cool things, and I was like, oh, this is a thing I could do.

Tom Heath
All right. And did you like influences? Who have you been listening to that that sort of kind of got you excited about even wanting to play the guitar?

Colton Annibal
I think when I was starting, I really, really was into the Beatles recently. I’ve been I like Car Seat Headrest a lot. I like, Julia Brown, a lot of bands like that, and they’ve been very influential. What I’ve been writing.

Tom Heath
okay. And so then your your style then is somewhat soulful. yeah. Not heavy necessarily.

Colton Annibal
No, no, it’s pretty. It’s pretty toned down. Yeah.

Tom Heath
No, no, no headbanging with your acoustic guitar.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
Not yet. Yeah.

Colton Annibal
Not yet. Working on.

Tom Heath
Yeah. So the tension correctly you you’re reading The Graduate and you’re influenced by the Beatles. Are you from this generation? It seems like you’re an old soul.

Colton Annibal
Yeah, yeah, I just, I don’t know, I think I got YouTube when I was too young. Oh, this is all right. I know. I love to graduate. That’s such a good movie. And watch it.

Tom Heath
Yeah. Just, it’s just very interesting. Most, Anyway, I’m not going to make a an age remark here. but it’s nice to see that you’re, you know, you’re you’re embracing different aspects of culture, not just the the most modern. I got a little nervous because I saw, your Instagram handle when I was doing a little research, and, it was.

Tom Heath
What is it?

Colton Annibal
Whoops. Teletubby trifecta.

Tom Heath
There you go. So I see, I like that you got the entire spectrum here. I wasn’t quite sure. I mean, we haven’t met. So you were introduced to me by a friend and and, I listen to a few of your songs on Spotify, too. That. Man, this is. You really do have a soulful voice, and, I, I wasn’t quite sure some of the songs, they seemed somewhat familiar, so I wasn’t sure if they were all originals, but there are definitely some in there that, it’s it’s really clear that that, you know, you’re putting, like you said, what’s happening to you comes through in the music.

Colton Annibal
Yeah. In, Yeah. They’re intertwined. I did one cover. It was, tonight you belong to me. Okay. It was that, It’s been covered a billion times. Yeah, several stories. I love that song.

Tom Heath
And so you’re somewhat young in this career. We really. You’re talking about four years of actually, you know, a really sort of human being involved with music. Did you come from a a musical background? Like what? What caused you to pick up the guitar in the first place?

Colton Annibal
I don’t, I don’t know, I think I had always kind of played instruments every now, like I would play piano. I don’t know how to play piano, but I know how to play a few songs on there. You know?

Tom Heath
is your family, is it like your parents, or do you have siblings that are musical?

Colton Annibal
No. All right. So one.

Tom Heath
Do they not understand you then? Like, why are you doing all of this?

Colton Annibal
No, I think that they think it’s cool. They just, you know, they don’t know how to how to do it.

Tom Heath
How that’s that’s that’s that’s part. What’s it.

Colton Annibal
They’ve been very supportive okay.

Tom Heath
Yeah. That’s my that’s sort of it’s sort of my world. I don’t really have any talent. So I like to talk to people and give them a platform because I, I, pick up a guitar. It’s not going to sound very good. It’s going to kind of sound like one of your song titles, which is oh, I was a Pawn Stars and Broken Guitars.

Tom Heath
I that’s what, that mine would be, Pawn Stars. Wait a minute. How does that reflect your life?

Colton Annibal
I don’t know, I think that I was like, you know, 14.

Tom Heath
Okay. That’s great. So that was that was that was one of your original songs. And that was a while ago.

Colton Annibal
Yeah, yeah, that was it was a long time ago.

Tom Heath
A long time ago. It says way back in 2021, probably, when he was just a freshman, I think a very we’re talking with Colton Animal. He is, recently graduated heading off the University of Arizona to study composition. And in the meantime, he’s doing a free concert, at 7 p.m. on June 1st at the Proper Shops in downtown Tucson.

Tom Heath
So we wanted to chat with him about that, and, we’ll find out more about kind of his influences and where he is heading in his musical career after the break. But I do want to remind you that you’re listening to Life Along the Streetcar on Downtown Radio 99.1 FM and streaming on downtown

Speaker 3
Support for downtown radio was provided by the Tucson Gallery, located in downtown Tucson, inside of the proper shops at 300 East Congress Street, the Tucson Gallery offers original work, reproductions, and merchandise from Tucson artists like Joe Patrick, Jessica Gonzalez, Ignacio Garcia, and many more. For information about all of the artists, including when they will be live at the Gallery, head to the Tucson or find them on Instagram and on Facebook as Tucson Gallery.

Tom Heath
But if you’re just joining us, shame on you. We start at 11. Now, if you’re just joining us, our guest today is a Colton Annable, his recent graduate from Tank Verde High School heading to the University of Arizona. He’s going be studying music composition. And he was telling us before the break how he not going to say stumbled, but came upon music fairly, unexpectedly during Covid, just picking up a guitar and and then just starting to write songs.

Tom Heath
It has done well for him. He’s been performing in different places around town and has a free concert coming up here on June 1st. So we’re going to get back to the second half of our interview with Colton Animal. And now that you’ve been, you know, you’ve been practicing, you’ve been playing, and, yeah, I believe I know you’re doing this event here on on Sunday.

Tom Heath
The on Saturday. I’m sorry. The first but you’ve you’ve been performing here in town right. There’s other places I think I saw your groundworks.

Colton Annibal
Yeah I love, I love groundworks. I’ve played there a couple of times. It’s it’s great, it’s great. And you know.

Tom Heath
Okay. And have. And do you perform like, is it you or do you have a band with. What’s your what’s your setup look like.

Colton Annibal
Yeah, it’s it’s just me and I’ll bring a guitar or two and you know the like it’s pretty barebones but it works okay.

Tom Heath
And you do you find I know there’s other, musicians that I’ve heard of coming out of a tanker Verde. and I saw that it looked like you might have recorded an album. You’ve got a couple of albums I saw on Spotify, right?

Colton Annibal
Yeah, yeah, I made an album of everything was ten songs, and it was just about, you know what I didn’t thinking about, I made another one, which is not a real album. It was a joke that I made.

Tom Heath
So that’s where that’s where I was getting. So I didn’t listen any of the songs. But I saw you had a, you were doing it with someone else.

Colton Annibal
Oh, no. Okay. This is the British album.

Tom Heath
Yeah. What, what was that? So to where you were you both parts, or did you have, a cozy part?

Colton Annibal
Oh, okay. So yeah.

Tom Heath
I didn’t, I didn’t listen, I just popped up and I was like, trying to find some, And I didn’t want to do, you know, I just thought I saw two people on there, but it seemed like a a unique album, to be coming out. So what’s your, your, your satire.

Colton Annibal
Yeah. Yeah, it’s my, my great satire.

Tom Heath
so now I have to go back and listen to it. so that’s that’s great. And, and, it’s, 2023. Looks like kind of a transformative year for you because you that’s when the album came out. So this was your collection of songs. Did you did you where do you record? Is it like at Groundworks or where do you do your.

Colton Annibal
No, no, I record on my bed. okay. No, I, I just or like, you know, in the, I like a little couch room either they’re, they’re, I don’t have any real place record. I got a sure sm57. And I got, like, a little adapter, and I have GarageBand, and I make do.

Tom Heath
Wow. It’s fascinating because it you’re the the. A lot of times when I hear the the items recorded and on their own, there’s a sort of a hollow sound to them or, you’re not really getting the full depth, but it really sounds. You’re the production of your stuff sounds really good. I don’t know if you’re excellent at GarageBand.

Colton Annibal
No, no, I’m actually really bad at it. Well.

Tom Heath
Something’s working.

Colton Annibal
Thank you.

Tom Heath
So don’t get any better. Don’t get any better and screw it up.

Colton Annibal
I do my best.

Tom Heath
and so people, people coming down on Saturday for the first the concert. I understand it’s it’s it’s it’s you correct your your putting on the show.

Colton Annibal
Yes. Yeah. It’ll just be me. Okay.

Tom Heath
And you go under a stage name or is it under Coulton or what.

Colton Annibal
What is your. Yeah. Yeah, it’s it’s saw with an exclamation point.

Tom Heath
Where does that come from?

Colton Annibal
I don’t know, and I was trying to find something that works. And I thought I’d be doing it with more people. And I was like, oh, this is, this is great. And then I did this Spotify thing and do that. And I was like, all right.

Tom Heath
Now you’re stuck.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
So, so sore. Came up in math class.

Colton Annibal
Yeah. It’s like, oh, that kind of works. I don’t think anyone’s used that. I was wrong. An Indonesian band has used it. So I get a decent amount of students from Indonesia.

Tom Heath
Nice. Well done. Well played. They had they had the exclamation mark to.

Colton Annibal
No, they don’t have the exclamation. That’s much more fun.

Tom Heath
That’s the American version, right? That’s that’s for.

Colton Annibal
Me. Yeah. You have the emphasis.

Tom Heath
I will tell you what the name like that it definitely sounds like your music might be a little bit, harder. You know, you, you come across as very melodic this, that the title makes me think of your band name or your stage name. Makes me think that maybe it’s a little bit, more.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
Electric and and, loud.

Colton Annibal
Yeah. It’s, I don’t know, it’s a misnomer, I guess. Yeah.

Tom Heath
That’s the, that’s the draw, right, people? you’re always mysterious. Always mysterious. So now. So now this is interesting because you’re in as a freshman, you’re thinking, okay, I can’t go to school. I got all this time in hands. I’m just going to start picking up a guitar, and then I start writing. But now you’re you’re going to school, and you’re going to be doing composition with, with, at the university, right?

Tom Heath

Colton Annibal
Yeah, yeah.

Tom Heath
So this is, this has taken hold. I mean, this is really not just a hobby for you. It’s becoming part of your identity in your in your future.

Colton Annibal
Absolutely. Yeah. No, I think it’s it’s the most important thing to me right now. It’s just it’s fantastic. I think you can put every part of yourself and do it. And come out with, you know, a finished piece and it’s like, oh, I don’t know if there’s something wonderful about it.

Tom Heath
Do you, do you have a sense of your, direction? Is it is it performing? Is it is it music? Is it lyrics? Do you have a, you know, do you want to do things for other people?

Colton Annibal
I don’t think I could do things for other people. I think I just keep doing it for me and I love, I mean, I love to perform, I like, I mean, I do acting and so if I could do that in music, that would be perfect.

Tom Heath
Okay. And locally, are you following any local, groups that you like, bands or performers that you, you have a passion for here in Tucson?

Colton Annibal
Yeah, I do, I do like of 44. They go to they went to high school with me. They’re wonderful people. They have a very, very good basis, very good drummer. They’re everyone’s super nice. They’re great. Judy Gloom is really good. Screaming Yellow’s excellent. Oh, there’s the jellyfish. Pedestrian. If you could change the name there’s some great it.

Colton Annibal
Oh, boy. Distorted. Oh my gosh there’s so many people man.

Tom Heath
That’s awesome. And you do you go out to to watch them perform here.

Colton Annibal
Yeah. Yeah. They’re they’re some great people band. I just I played with them and groundworks too. There’s more that I’m forgetting. There’s but there’s some phenomenal.

Tom Heath
I’m sure there’s, there’s a ton of ton of talent in Tucson. And I’ll make a recommendation for you. It’s a little bit of an older band, but that’s a duo here in town called Ryan Hood. Yeah, you might want to look into them. There’s some similarity in your lyrics. You know, you both have very, kind of, I want to say deep of certain very explanatory lyrics and, and really convey a lot through not just the music but the words.

Tom Heath
And a lot of times I’m drawn to people that can tell a good story, both in the music and in the words. And you don’t always see those two mash up in a performer.

Colton Annibal
I’ll check them out.

Tom Heath
Yeah, I think, I think, I think you’ll enjoy them. And, I’m appreciative of, of that you that you’ve kind of found this, this talent and this future, endeavor of yours. And I’m excited to see where where this goes. And so you’re going to the U of A, so you’re staying here locally, which means we can.

Colton Annibal

Tom Heath
Tabs and check on.

Colton Annibal
Oh, yeah.

Tom Heath
So what do we expect here on a Saturday. so this is airing here on Sunday, the last Sunday in May, and you’re performing on the first Saturday and in June. What’s, what’s it going to look like? What time does it start and how how much does it cost? What what’s going on?

Colton Annibal
I don’t think I’m going to charge anything for it, but if you want to check, that would be great. I think, I think I’ll do mainly I’ll do a lot of songs. And the first album I’ll do stuff that I’ve been working on from the new album. I might bring my organ, you know, if no one else is playing, I’ll bring the organ out.

Colton Annibal
And, I don’t know. I think we’ll have a fun time there.

Tom Heath
So it starts at seven and run for about an hour and a half.

Colton Annibal
Yeah, okay. That’s what I’m.

Tom Heath
And it’s at, 300 East Congress, which is the proper shops. It’s got they’ve got their back patio there. you go through the front, you go through the shops, you get to the patio and there’s you can get food and drinks and stuff there if you want, but sounds like it’s a free event. So come on down.

Tom Heath
And if you want to listen to, a new artist, I would say making a debut because you’ve been playing quite a bit, but certainly, you know, information off of a second album, you’re going to be hearing stuff that, hasn’t been performed quite a lot. So that’s kind of exciting.

Colton Annibal
Yeah, it’ll be a good time.

Tom Heath
All right, before we wrap up here, how do people, besides Teletubby trifecta, how do people follow you?

Colton Annibal
on Spotify? It’s, I saw exclamation point.

Tom Heath
Not the Indonesian band.

Colton Annibal
Not the Indonesian band. Avoid them. It’s got, like, the whole thing. on Instagram. It is.

Tom Heath
That’s awesome.

Colton Annibal
Underscore music.

Tom Heath
So our underscore music. so we’ll go there and, we’ll see you on a Saturday. I’ll definitely be there. I’ll be, in the get to Sign gallery. So come out and definitely check out and see what’s going on there. And, man, I really appreciate your time. I like, I like just how authentic you really are.

Tom Heath
And, I’m really excited to see what what happens as you start to get more honed in your craft and get the tools that the university can provide and get that time and experience, here in Tucson, really, really bright future, I think ahead of you.

Colton Annibal
Thank you. Right. Appreciate it.

Tom Heath
It’s Colton Annable. He’s got a concert coming up here next Saturday, June 1st. It’s a free concert at the, courtyard back patio there of the proper shops in downtown Tucson. It’s 300 East Congress. He is a recently graduated from Tango Verde and headed over to the University of Arizona to study music composition. And I had not met him and talked to him at all prior to this interview other than to set up the interview and, you know, looked a little bit on social media and listen to some of his music, it seems like a very well grounded individual focused on what he wants to be doing.

Tom Heath
And, you know, I met the comment during the show. I kind of joked about it, but he seems to be an old soul. He also has a lot of depth. even in his younger 18 years, he’s got a lot of depth in his music. And I’m, you know, curious to see what happens once he’s able to focus his energies on music through his college career.

Tom Heath
And then you can say, oh my gosh, I heard about that guy way back on life along the street car with Tom. He’s on downtown radio 99.1 FM and streaming on Downtown

Speaker 4
You’re listening to Tucson, Arizona, 99.1 FM, Downtown Radio. brother Mark, host of a show called Radio Club Crawl that airs every Tuesday at 3 p.m.. We try to focus on most of the bands that are coming through Tucson, and we give you a tasty taste of their music. If you want to check out what’s happening around Tucson, check out Radio Club Crawl Tuesdays, 3 p.m. right here on CT Tucson, Arizona 99.1 FM Downtown Radio.

Colton Annibal
Thank you very much. Enjoy your evening. Bye bye.

Tom Heath
Well, episode 296. Coming to a close here. Thank you to our guest, Colton Annable. And, I will see him. And maybe you at his concert this coming Saturday, June 1st at the Proper Shops, 7 p.m.. And I understand he is the performer, so probably start right about seven and, 830 ish. So I hopefully if you are down there, you have a chance to stop in and check out his music and, you know, maybe, swing by the Tucson Gallery, one of our sponsors here on the show and one of those ventures that I am involved with and certainly could use your support if you’re so inclined to check out other local artists

Tom Heath
here in Tucson. Well, don’t go anywhere, because just in a few minutes we’ve got Ted Peraza. He’s going to be bringing you words and work as he interviews members of, Tucson’s labor movement and also, writers in Tucson and things that are happening in that world. And then we’ve got Ty Logan at the top of the hour with heavy metal, and then we’re back into the music again.

Tom Heath
Speaker box, exit one, all part of this fabulous Sunday lineup. And if you head over to Downtown, downtown sorry, downtown. Really, dawg? You can listen to, all kinds of different shows from, rock and roll gurus that understand their genre and really, share and educate on why this music should be listened to. And, the whole lineup is there on downtown

Tom Heath
Coming up on life along the streetcar, we could certainly use your input if you have any topics you want us to share. I know you’re listening to the show. It’s pretty pretty specific. It’s a hyper local shows we like to say. So I know you’re kind of in tune with Tucson. if you’re listening, then, you probably have some thoughts yourselves on what would be a good guest or a good topic so you could find out, more.

Tom Heath
Or you can tell us more through our Instagram and Facebook pages or contact at life the You know, we like to be tagged. And if you’re working on a project and you want us to support it or promote it, you know, let us know. Collaboration is a big key for, you know, impactful community dialog and, getting things done.

Tom Heath
So we would love to support you in those efforts. And, if you are going to be listening next week, and I hope you do, we’ll have Jessica Barfield from Local First Arizona. We talk with her way back, when she first started in this job, year and a half, two years ago, something like that just had joined the team, and we asked her all kinds of questions, and she had all kinds of plans, but really hadn’t had time to implement anything.

Tom Heath
And now, with that time, she has implemented and really, as far as I can tell, exceeded expectations. We’re going to have her on talk about some of those accomplishments and some cool things that are happening in the local arena in, in part because of the efforts of local First Arizona. And then we also have coming up later in June, a collaboration of a couple of, entrepreneurs that ended up creating a product that is somewhat you.

Tom Heath
Well, it’s not some of it’s it’s unique came from unexpected sources as a, custom woodworker and a clothing designer got together and said, hey, we could, we could collaborate. And now they’ve got artists involved and they’re creating this really fabulous product called a Timber tote. they were recently featured in a local pitch competition and did pretty well with that.

Tom Heath
And again, I think this is one of those hidden gems, rising stars that you can say, I heard about that on Lifelong The Streetcar before they got all famous and fancy. Anyway, if you want to email us any topics, contact the lifelong Facebook and Instagram are great ways to do that as well. James Portis is our production specialist.

Tom Heath
My name is Tom Heath. I’m your host and producer. We, start the show each week with Ryan Hood’s deal in three days. And we’re going to leave you today with Colton Annable. His stage name is sore. This is from, 2021. So long ago, early in his career. This is a, a song called Pawn Stars and Broken Guitars.

Tom Heath
I hope you have a great week. And tune in next Sunday for more life along the streetcar.

For instance, and broken.

Colton Annibal

Gone are the nights I’ll play under the stars. Put my heart right where you are. And you, you, oh, away.

Just couldn’t stand.

Colton Annibal
Stay. Stolen jewels and heartbroken fools. You took my life in love to show me too I pick up the pieces of my broken guitar. While you stand self-satisfied.

Knowing just who you are.

You think you’re cool bodies?

Colton Annibal
No rowdy pile of broken pieces of me. But when your days are over. Your rolling up.